You had the courage to do something that's important to you, because if it wasn't important to you, you wouldn't care if you won or lost.
Dr Lisa Huzel (MD) is passionate about her work and about fencing. In fencing she's represented Canada at three veteran's world championships, and several Commonwealth fencing championships. She's also a member of the FIE medical commission. In spite of all of her achievements, she often feels like an imposter. In this episode of Silver is the New Gold, she provides perspective on imposter syndrome (aka, imposter phenomenon) from the points of view of both a fencing athlete and a medial professional.
Show Notes
Pauline Rose Clance & Suzanne Imes, The Imposter Phenomenon in High Achieving Women:
Dynamics and Therapeutic Intervention, Psychotherapy Theory, Research and Practice Volume 15, #3, Fall 1978Valerie Young, The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women, 2011
LuchaFit, Defeating Impostor Syndrome as Female Coaches, April 5, 2018
Music for this podcast was created by the immensely talented, and generous, Outwild. He knows what I like! And I dance in my seat every time I hear these beats.
This podcast is created for the purposes of entertainment only, and does not provide individual medical advice. By engaging in discussion with guests, including professionals in sports and related health fields, it is the hope that listeners can find community, and share their experiences with others. Always seek professional advice before beginning any exercise program, or nutrition plan.
The opinions expressed by the host of this podcast are self-reflective do not represent the values or opinions of others including any employers, past or present.
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