You are not a man [...] You can't be on the same program as a man because of your hormones, and because of your muscle structure
In this episode, Karen talks with Debra Riedesel, Registered Dietician and founder of the Cycle Diet, about nutrition therapy for women. Topics include: PMS, PMDD, Menopause, HRT and what's in that darn dairy.
Debra created the Cycle Diet to help women who suffer from PMS and PMDD understand that through elimination and building a balanced diet, they can stop the needless monthly suffering. She also warns women athletes that they need a nutrition plan that is designed for them, and not for men.
With over 20 years of experience as a Registered Dietician, Debra's knowledge and experience is a must listen for women of all ages, athlete or not.
Show Notes
Debra Riedesel, The Cycle Diet
University of California, Berkley, Science Daily, Pesticide atrazine can turn male frogs into females, March 1, 2020
Sarah Pope MGA, The Healthy Home Economist, Cheerios Tests Off the Charts (AGAIN) for Roundup, February 17, 2020
CTV News, Weed-killing chemical found in pasta, cereal and cookies sold in Canada: study, September 9, 2018
Ashley Marcin, Healthline, What You Need to Know About the MTHFR Gene, September 6, 2019 (updated), Hemochromatosis is a genetic disorder
Sheila Pedraza Burk, Burst, Vegan Pasta (Photo Credit)
Matthew Henry, Burst, Yellow Green Vegetables (Photo Credit)
Music for this podcast was created by the immensely talented, and generous, Outwild. He knows what I like! And I dance in my seat every time I hear these beats.
This podcast is created for the purposes of entertainment only, and does not provide individual medical advice. By engaging in discussion with guests, including professionals in sports and related health fields, it is the hope that listeners can find community, and share their experiences with others. Always seek professional advice before beginning any exercise program, or nutrition plan.
The opinions expressed by the host of this podcast are self-reflective do not represent the values or opinions of others including any employers, past or present.
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