I think if you're going to get back into sport as a mature athlete, do it for - not who you once were,
do it for who you want to be now.
Natascha Wesch returns to Silver is the New Gold to talk with me about identity, goals and setting realistic expectations when getting back into sports/training and competition as a mature athlete, and it's all positive.
Inspired by the book Game Change: The Life and Death of Steve Montador and the Future of Hockey, by Ken Dryden, I wanted to know what it means to identify as an athlete and how that can both help and hinder mature athletes who are returning to sport, so I asked Natascha if she'd like to come back on the show to talk with me about it and she agreed!
Natascha is a consultant who specializes in mental performance for athletes who want to achieve their best potential as both athletes and humans.
Show Notes
Ken Dryden, Game Change: The Life and Death of Steve Montador and the Future of Hockey, 2017
Natascha Wesch (website), Elite Mind Performance

Music for this podcast was created by the immensely talented, and generous, Outwild. He knows what I like! And I dance in my seat every time I hear these beats.
This podcast is created for the purposes of entertainment only, and does not provide individual medical advice. By engaging in discussion with guests, including professionals in sports and related health fields, it is the hope that listeners can find community, and share their experiences with others. Always seek professional advice before beginning any exercise program, or nutrition plan.
The opinions expressed by the host of this podcast are self-reflective do not represent the values or opinions of others including any employers, past or present.
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